To Join the Association:

Please complete the form at MemberMojo (in this link), which will ask for details of name, address, etc..

Payment can be by Debit or Credit card online, or can be by cheque posted to the address supplied as part of the process on MemberMojo.
We prefer online payment by card as this creates less work for our volunteers who process membership applications, and its less work for the applicant; no need to wait for instructions and then post a cheque!

If you have any problems with joining via the MemberMojo system, please contact us at this email address:

After you have joined, you can view your membership details on this link, or access the "members only page" here.
MemberMojo allows access by sending login-email (which expires after a couple of hours), and thus no need to create a password for the MemberMojo service.


We use MemberMojo to process our membership lists and membership payments, and to allow members to update their personal details.
Stripe handle card payments securely, and do not pass any card details to the 2mm Scale Association.


Membership rates (2024) for The 2mm Scale Association are:

Membership year is 1st April to 31st March. Members joining on or after 1st December are treated as if they had joined on the following 1st April (ie. up to 16 months initial membership). A discount is available if opting for a three year membership.

Members under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at 2mm Scale Association events and Area Group meetings.


We have a page which outlines the main benefits of 2mm modelling and the services offered by the Association. A sample of the magazine sent to members is available to download.

The Association makes available a large number of specialist products from individual parts such as bearings and rail, jigs and fixtures to ensure accuracy, parts for the scratchbuilder, and complete kits for rolling stock and locomotives.

The Association's rules can be read online, and a copy is sent to new members.


Under UK data protection legislation, we advise you that information submitted on the application form will be held on computers solely for the purpose of running the Association, and disclosed only to members for the running of the Association. We take the protection of member's data seriously, and welcome any constructive suggestions to improve our processes.


Contacting the Association

By Post

You can write to the 2mm Scale Association Membership Secretary at (note address change August 2024):



By E-mail

2mm Webmaster (Nigel Cliffe) E-mail: