Shop 4 - Passenger Rolling Stock. Shop data last updated on: 25-Aug-2024

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Information information symbol and photo photograph symbol symbols indicate a link which can be followed to further information or photogaphs about the product or group of products.

Items marked TOS are Temporarily Out Of Stock and cannot be ordered until they come back into stock. Items marked WSL are While Stocks Last and will be delisted once sold out.

Where instructions and/or drawings for kits are available there is a link or links adjacent to the product listing. If you need a paper copy of any instructions, please advise the shopkeeper when ordering.


QuantityCode DescriptionPrice  
  Coaching Stock Wheels
4-024Coach Wheels: Plain Disc: 7mm dia: 12.25mm axle  £1.50 axle
4-025Coach Wheels: Plain Disc: 7mm dia: 15.20mm axle  £1.50 axle
4-026Coach Wheels: Plain Disc: 7mm dia: 14.20mm axle  £1.50 axle
4-028Coach Wheels: Plain Disc: 7mm dia: 12.25mm axle: N Gauge Profile  £2.30 axle
4-030Coach Wheels: Mansell Disc: 7mm dia: 12.25mm axle  £1.70 axle
  Axles, Bearings etc
4-041Bearings: Turned Brass: Top Hat for Pinpoint Axles  £5.50 app 50
4-047Axles: Steel: Pinpoint: 12.25mm for Farish RP25 Wheels  £4.50 set 4
4-048Wheelset Back to Back Gauge: Cylindrical Type  £2.50 each
  Coach Buffers
4-060Coach Buffers: GWR Dean Square Shank: 3D Print  £1.50 set 5
4-061Coach Buffers: Round: Turned Brass  £0.75 set 4
4-062Coach Buffers: BR MK1: Oval with Convex Face: Turned Brass  £1.50 set 4
4-069Buffer Mounting Jig: Etched N/S  £0.60 each
4-110DG Couplings: Etched Brass  £3.00 8 pairs
4-111DG Couplings: Loop Bending Jig  £5.20 each
4-112DG Couplings: Height Setting Jig  £4.00 each
4-113DG Couplings: NEM Shanks: 3D Print [Instructions] £1.80 20
  Coach Bogies - Complete etch
4-150Coach Bogie: BR Mk1: Etched N/S  £4.00 pair
4-157Coach Bogie: LNWR 8': Etched N/S  £4.00 pair
4-158Coach Bogie: LNWR 9': Etched N/S  £4.00 pair
4-159Coach Bogie: LNWR 6 Wheel 12'6: Etched N/S  £4.00 pair
4-160Coach Bogie: LMS 6 Wheel 12'6: Etched N/S  £4.50 pair
4-161Coach Bogie: LMS 9': Etched N/S  £4.00 pair
4-163Coach Bogie: MR 8' Bain: Etched N/S  £4.50 pair
4-170Coach Bogie: GWR 7' Plate: Etched N/S  £4.50 pair
4-171Coach Bogie: GWR 9' Plate: Etched N/S  £4.50 pair
4-172Coach Bogie: GWR Pressed Steel NPCS: Etched N/S  £4.00 pair WSL
4-173Coach Bogie: GWR Pressed Steel: Etched N/S  £4.50 pair
4-174Coach Bogie: GWR 9' Fishbelly: Etched N/S  £4.50 pair
4-176Coach Bogie: GWR 8' American: Etched N/S  £4.00 pair
4-177Coach Bogie: GWR 9' American: Etched N/S  £4.50 pair
4-178Coach Bogie: GWR 8'6 Dean: Etched N/S [Instructions] £3.50 pair
4-178aVolute Springs: GWR 8'6 Dean: 3D Print [Instructions] £1.20 set
4-179Coach Bogie: GWR 10' Dean: Etched N/S [Instructions] £3.50 pair
4-179aVolute Springs: GWR 10' Dean: 3D Print [Instructions] £1.20 set
4-180Coach Bogie: Fox 8': Etched N/S  £4.00 pair
4-182Coach Bogie: SR 8' Steam: Etched N/S  £4.00 pair
4-185Coach Bogie: GNR/LNER Standard 8': Etched N/S  £4.00 pair
4-186Coach Bogie: GNR/LNER Heavy 8': Etched N/S  £4.00 pair
4-187Coach Bogie: LNER Standard 8'6: Etched N/S  £4.00 pair
 4-188Coach Bogie: LNER Heavy 8'6: Etched N/S  £4.00 pairTOS
4-189Coach Bogie: LNER 10': Etched N/S  £4.50 pair
4-191Coach Bogie: Pullman 10': Etched N/S  £4.00 pair
4-197Coach Bogie Brake Shoes for Farish BR1 Bogies: Etched N/S [Instructions] £1.25 set
4-198Coach Bogie Brakes: Not Gresley: Etched N/S  £1.00 set
4-199Coach Bogie Brakes: Gresley Only: Etched N/S  £1.00 set
  Coach Building Components
4-200Coach Carcass: Universal: Etched N/S  £3.00 each
4-210Solebars: Slotted: Etched N/S  £2.30 5 pairs
4-211Solebars/Footboards: Tabbed: Etched N/S  £2.30 5 pairs
4-212Footboards: Plain: Etched N/S  £2.30 5 pairs
4-220Truss Rods: LMS 57': Etched N/S  £0.90 pair
4-221Truss Rods: Midland 12 Wheel Diner: Etched N/S  £0.90 pair
4-222Truss Rods: Bulleid: Etched N/S  £0.90 pair
4-223Truss Rods: GWR 70': Etched N/S  £1.20 pair
4-224Truss Rods: SR 63'6: Etched Brass  £1.20 pair
4-225Truss Rods: LMS 50': Etched Brass  £0.90 pair
4-226Truss Rods: LMS 62': Etched Brass  £0.90 pair
4-227Truss Rods: LMS 65': Etched Brass  £1.20 pair
4-228Truss Rods: GWR 57' Angle: Etched Brass  £0.90 pair
4-229Truss Rods: GWR 57' Tie Rod: Etched Brass  £0.90 pair
4-230Coach Ends: LMS Wooden: Etched N/S  £0.90 pair
4-231Coach Ends: LMS Steel: Etched N/S  £0.90 pair
4-232Coach Ends: Bulleid: Etched N/S  £0.90 pair
4-236Truss Rods: GWR 64': Etched Brass  £1.20 pair
4-237Truss Rods: LMS 60': Etched Brass  £0.90 pair
4-238Truss Rods: LNER 58' Angle: Etched Brass  £0.90 pair
4-239Truss Rods: LNER 58' Tie Rod: Etched Brass  £0.90 pair
4-301Coach Roof & Ends: GWR Hawksworth: Plastic  £1.50 set
  Coach Fittings
4-315W Irons: For Chivers NPCS Kits: 7mm dia Wheels: 12.25mm axles: Etched NS [Instructions] £1.00 set
4-340Coach Gangway: Scissor Type: Whitemetal  £1.20 pair
4-341Coach Gangway: Suspended Type: Whitemetal  £1.20 pair
4-344Vacuum Cylinder & Reservoir: SR Early: Whitemetal  £1.00 set
4-345Vacuum Cylinder & Reservoir: SR Late: Whitemetal  £1.00 set
4-346Vacuum Cylinders: Turned Brass  £1.00 pack 5
4-347Gas Cylinders: LMS/BR: Whitemetal  £1.00 pair
4-348Vacuum Cylinders: LMS/BR: Whitemetal  £1.00 pair
4-349Vacuum Cylinders: LNER: Whitemetal  £1.00 pair
4-350Voltage Regulators: LMS/BR: Whitemetal  £1.00 pair
4-370Coach Jumper Cables: Etched Brass  £1.00 fret
4-371Coach Door Handles: LNER: Etched N/S  £2.00 fret
4-372Coach Door Handles: GWR: Etched N/S  £2.00 fret
4-452Coach Dynamo: LNER: Whitemetal  £1.00 pair
4-453Coach Dynamo: SR Bullied: Whitemetal  £1.00 pair
4-454Coach Dynamo: LMS: 3D Print [Instructions] £2.00 pack 5
4-455Coach Ventilators: LMS Shell: Plastic  £1.20 pack 32 WSL
4-460Coach Duckets: LMS: Whitemetal  £1.00 pair
4-461Coach Duckets: LNER: Whitemetal  £1.00 pair
4-500Coach Ventilator: BR Dome and Ridge: 3D Print [Instructions] £2.00 pack 45
4-505Coach Ventilator: LNER Torpedo: 3D Print [Instructions] £2.00 pack 45
4-506Coach Ventilator: SR/LMS Torpedo: 3D Print [Instructions] £2.00 pack 45
4-510Coach Ventilator: GWR/LMS Shell: 3D Print [Instructions] £2.00 pack 45
4-515Coach Ventilator: Cl 104/105/110 DMU: 3D Print [Instructions] £2.00 pack 30
4-550Frosted Window Strip: LNER  £1.50 pair
4-551Frosted Window Strip: LMS  £1.50 pair
  Etched Coach Bodies
4-601Coach Body: BR GUV Dia 711: Etched Brass: No Bogies: No Roof [Instructions] £11.00 each
  Etched Coach Kits
4-630Etched kit - BR Mk 1 Horsebox [Instructions][Drawings] £11.50 each WSL
  Etched Coach Chassis
4-700Coaching Stock Underframe: BR Mk1 57' Early: Etched N/S [Instructions] £5.00 each WSL
4-702Coaching Stock Underframe: BR Mk1 57' Late: Etched N/S [Instructions] £5.00 each WSL
4-710Coaching Stock Underframe: BR Mk1 63'6 Early: Etched N/S [Instructions] £5.00 each WSL
4-712Coaching Stock Underframe: BR Mk1 63'6 Late: Etched N/S [Instructions] £5.00 each WSL
  Coach Accessories
4-720Clear Acetate Sheet: 152 x 102 x 0.17mm  £0.80 pair
4-721Roof Section: BR MkI: c140mm: Plastic  £1.50 each
4-722Roof Section: LMS: c140mm: Plastic  £1.50 each
4-723Seat Strip: c140mm: Plastic  £1.50 each
4-724Thin Strip: 1.5, 1.25, 1.0, 0.75, 0.5 and 0.25mm: Full and Half Etched: Etched N/S  £5.00 each
4-730Battery Boxes: BR MkI: c/w Vee Hangers and Cranks: Etched N/S  £1.00 each
4-731Battery Boxes: LMS: c/w Voltage Regulator, Vee Hangers and Cranks: Etched N/S  £1.00 each
4-732Battery Boxes: LNER: c/w Voltage Regulator, Vee Hangers and Cranks: Etched N/S  £1.00 each
 4-733Battery Boxes: GWR: c/w Voltage Regulator, Vee Hangers and Cranks: Etched N/S  £1.00 eachTOS
4-734Battery Boxes: SR Bullied: c/w Vee Hangers and Cranks: Etched N/S  £1.00 each
4-735Battery Boxes: SR Maunsell: c/w Vee Hangers and Cranks: Etched N/S  £1.00 each
  NPCS Etched Chassis for Commercial Bodies
4-741Chassis: Chivers Horsebox: Etched N/S [Drawings] £5.00 each WSL
4-742Chassis: Chivers/Dapol SR CCT: Etched N/S [Drawings] £6.00 each WSL
4-743Chassis: Dapol SR BY: Etched N/S [Instructions] £6.00 each WSL
  Train Lamps
4-801Loco Lamp: LNER/BR(E): 3D Print  £3.00 set 5
4-802Loco Lamp: BR: 3D Print  £3.00 set 5
4-803Loco Lamp: LMS/BR(M): 3D Print  £3.00 set 5
4-805Loco Lamp: SR/BR(S): 3D Print  £3.00 set 5
4-806Loco Lamp: GWR/BR(W): 3D Print  £3.00 set 5
4-811Tail Lamp: LNER/BR(E): 3D Print  £3.00 set 5
4-812Tail Lamp: BR: 3D Print  £3.00 set 5
4-813Tail Lamp: LMS/BR(M): 3D Print  £3.00 set 5
4-815Tail Lamp: SR/BR(S): 3D Print  £3.00 set 5
4-816Tail Lamp: GWR/BR(W): 3D Print  £3.00 set 5
  Railway Figures
4-850Figure: Guard with Lamp: 3D Print  £4.50 each
4-851Figure: Shunter with Pole at rest: 3D Print  £4.50 each
4-852Figure: Shunter with Pole in use: 3D Print  £4.50 each
4-853Figure: Station Master with Pocket Watch: 3D Print  £4.50 each
4-854Figure: Signalman leaning: 3D Print  £4.50 each
4-855Figure: Locoman leaning and facing right: 3D Print  £4.50 each
4-856Figure: Locoman leaning and facing left: 3D Print  £4.50 each
4-857Figure: Locoman with Rag facing left: 3D Print  £4.50 each
4-858Figure: Locoman with Rag facing right: 3D Print  £4.50 each
4-859Figure: Seated Locoman leaning left: 3D Print  £4.50 each
4-860Figure: Seated Locoman leaning right: 3D Print  £4.50 each
4-861Figure: Fireman firing facing left: 3D Print  £4.50 each
4-862Figure: Fireman firing facing right: 3D Print  £4.50 each
4-863Figure: Driver operating Regulator with left hand: 3D Print  £4.50 each
4-864Figure: Driver operating Regulator with right hand: 3D Print  £4.50 each
  Coach Decals
4-901Decals: Waterslide: GWR Coaches [Instructions] £2.60 sheet
4-902Decals: Waterslide: LMS Coaches [Instructions] £2.60 sheet
4-903Decals: Waterslide: LNER Coaches [Instructions] £3.20 sheet
4-904Decals: Waterslide: Midland Rly Carriages [Instructions] £3.00 sheet
4-909Decals: Waterslide: Highland Rly Coaches [Instructions] £2.40 sheet
4-920Decals: Waterslide: GWR Special Coaches [Instructions] £2.60 sheet
4-921Decals: Waterslide: LNER Special Coaches [Instructions] £1.80 sheet